
Our Services


Strategic Planning and Implementation

What does your brand want to be when it grows up? Bellows Consulting can help you define your goals and then develop a strategy to get there. Every brand has a different set of assets and also a different set of challenges. There is no single answer for success in the wine industry, so it is important to clearly define your plan and have the team in place to implement it.

Operational planning

Once you have defined your goals, the biggest hurdle in a small to medium-sized wine brand is the details! Those details can make a difference. Bellows Consulting can assist in finding the best solutions to your operational needs and provide the relationships and partnerships to take you to the next level.

sales and marketing planning

Sales and Marketing make or break your business. You can have the best wine on earth, but if you don't have the marketing or a strategy for sales, unfortunately, your wine will age gracefully in the warehouse rather than in someone's cellar. It is important to set your brand apart from the competition and maximize the potential of every opportunity to portray your product's quality. Bellows Consulting will assist in finding your niche, building your story, and expressing the soul of your brand and the outlets to maximize sales. 


Project management

Whether you are thinking of creating a new label, building a website, designing a piece of collateral, looking for a new tasting space, or even re-designing a tasting space, Bellows Consulting is the one-stop team to assist with your brand's needs. Our Project Management assists with the organization and management of a wide variety of projects by maximizing efficiency with vendors due to experience in a wide variety of tasks.


Emails, tech sheet, and bottle design... oh my!  The daunting task of building and designing brand assets is made easy with Bellows Wine Consulting. Our team can provide you with visual branding options to build continuity across all aspects of your sales and marketing efforts. This 'one-stop shop' enables you to position your brand in the proper space in an efficient and cost-effective manner.